SIPS has effectively achieved its presence in Indian Railways. SIPS provides the services for feasibility, design and detailed engineering, project management construction supervision, materials management, railway electrification, signalling and telecommunication.
The key areas of our competence are:
Railways OHE:
Under Railway Electrification works SIPS vigorously offers a range of services for integrated/ composite railway projects such as survey & approval of drawings, erection works, and wire stringing works, inspection & commissioning works and Power Supply installations works which includes 25kV Traction Sub-station, Sectioning & SSP Post works.
SIPS has burgeoned over the last few years with having around 1400 TKM in its basket and thrives to serve more.
Our key projects include major sections in Meerut and Allahabad, Central Organization of Railway Electrification, Sitapur etc.
Railway Civil Infrastructure:
SIPS provides design and engineering services in this domain (ranging from civil, bridges construction, track linking & fixation, platform works, signal & telecommunication cable laying etc.) of railway infrastructure.
Our experience on Indian rail bridges includes construction of Height gauge and Foot over Bridges.
Our key projects include Betwa River Section (including a Single length Bridge of 400 mtrs) and Jarpada Section etc.
With a skilled in-house & execution team of professionals, SIPS is committed to mark its presence in development of Nation’s Railway Infrastructure.